Technical info

Soundabsorption test


Flammability test

ISO9001, ISO14001

For Wobedo Design, environmental considerations as well as quality in customer engagement are of utmost importance. Wobedo Design manufactures all our products at the Swedish company Artex AB. Artex is ISO9001 as well as ISO14001 certified. This means that the main processes are ISO certified – from order acceptance all the way to delivery of the products to the end customar. In all other key aspects, Wobedo Designs ambition is to follow the appropriate recommendations within the ISO framework.

Cleaning Vacuuming with soft brush. Stainguide for 100% wool.

Mounting This is our recommendation: the panel has a textile on the back that creates a strong grip with extra strong Velcro. The Velcro piece consists of a plastic part with a hole in the middle so that it can be scewed onto the wall.

If the buyer is hesitant to drill in the wall, the plastic piece can be glued also. The responsibility for this mounting has to be taken by the buyer.


Wobedo Design AB • Fredsgatan 3 A • 222 20 Lund • 0708 961289 •

Wobedo Design AB • UK •